Responsible AI: How to Build Machines That Serve Humanity

Artificial intelligence defines many aspects of modern life, from the engine that decides which movies you're served on Netflix to the software that calculates your credit score. But automation has its dark sides, including a lack of oversight and the perpetuation of bias. A.I. and surveillance experts convene to discuss how we can move away from harmful, centralized models and serve the greater good.

Kai-Fu Lee: Our AI Future

AI is at its tipping point, and if our society doesn’t prepare for both the exciting and possibly perilous pathways ahead, we will lose the ability to control our collective future. interview with Kai-fu Lee bestselling author and former president of Google China, teams up with Chen Qiufan to create an image of what a world with artificial intelligence will look like in 20 years.

Women’s History Month 2021: Human Endurance and Resilience

During Women’s History Month, Dyan Mazurana, research professor at The Fletcher School and the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy, shares firsthand observations about the resilience and inherent goodness of people even in the face of extreme circumstances.

How Can Companies Integrate Ethical AI? | Splunk's Ram Sriharsha & Dr. Rumman Chowdhury

Dr. Rumman Chowdhury and Ram Sriharsha, Head of Machine Learning at Splunk, discuss the challenges companies will face if they do not comply with ethical standards and how to solve for fairness and privacy.

Why Does Technology Need Ethics? 

Rumman Chowdhury talks about creating unbiased algorithms.


Co-founders meets Rumman Chowdhury, Managing Director for Responsible AI at Accenture, in San Fransisco and discusses the importance of Growth Mindset with her.

Ethics in AI with Dr. Rumman Chowdhury & Neeti Mehta Shukla | Automation Anywhere

Between AARI, Discovery Bot, and IQ Bot, Automation Anywhere is a pioneer and global leader in intelligent automation. But where does the human fit in at Automation Anywhere?

Transparency as a Political Choice with Rumman Chowdhury and Mona Sloane

Unfolding the relationship between the government and artificial intelligence

Responsible AI and the Covid 19 Pandemic
Carnegie Council for Ethics in International affairs

In the Carnegie Council’s ethics podcast, host Alex Woodson interviews Rumman in the early days of the pandemic. They discuss the role of AI, the fears of mass surveillance, and importantly, how we can remain hopeful in a time of uncertainty.